Can you blame me?: A 16 y/o's view on free will and HASS

I am at my desk, wondering about existentialism in the setting of post-war Europe and the debate between realism and spirituality in the context of visual art. All of this to say that I am preparing for my English test. Yikes! when did I become so mismanaged?!

Part of the reason why I chose to pursue Science over my exceedingly diverse HASS interests was that in Science, I have a deep satisfaction that there exists a correct answer to any meaningful question that you can ask, it's secondary whether I or the human race as a whole would ever be able to find those answers.

Right now, I still am wondering whether it is better to be real or take into account the "spiritual" aspect. Heck! what even is spirituality or God? Isn't it just a human construct to take our minds off of inevitable death? Aren't minds just a collection of a humongous number of atoms and the chemical interactions between them, while it as a whole perceives itself to have "free will"?

I wander off to other tangents. If we are a collection of atoms that on larger scales run like clockwork (Yeah, please don't scream "Quantummm!!" ), why do we think about what will we do, what is right and what is wrong? Why do we set up rules? Why do we have morals, laws and legal systems and etiquette? 

Of course, I don't need the answers to these questions for tomorrow's exam. Yes, spirituality DOES matter, and that the Asian perspective of spiritualism in many ways IS better than the European, and no, life is NOT predetermined. But perhaps, by breaking the fourth wall, I'll leave you to think over these questions, and maybe discuss them in the comments box!

Au revoir!



I found out something beautiful

I love people/I hate people

Peano Axioms and Arithmetic: How we define how we count